Sunday, August 5, 2018

What Does A Good Night Sleep Mean to You?

Here is what it really means, to not get a good night sleep....You may be surprised after reading on, how important  quality sleep is to our health and well being.  We tend to think 7- 8 hours is plenty of sleep!  Yes, it would appear to be plenty for the average adult.  In this case, quality of sleep is much greater than quantity of sleep. However, most wake up feeling as though they did not get a good nights rest. Our sleep quality is compromised, we then turn to energy drinks to make it through the work day. Does this sound familiar?

Sleep is very, very important to our over all health.  Short sleepers (Not reach REM) have an increased risk of:  infections, arthritis, diabetes, mood disorders, insulin resistance, cravings, over eating and high consumption of caffeine/stimulants.  Our society sees sleepiness as a need for fuel. NOT REST!
We are literally Rest-Less.  It is OK to be tired or feel as though you need to just rest. Your body is telling you to get rest and we have to listen to our bodies.  Instead, most go for that adrenal rush of caffeine or some kind of stimulant to keep going, which will later affect the quality of sleep.

A lot of factors play in the role of quality sleep. Eating to close to bedtime can raise core body temperature and metabolic rate, making it difficult to fall asleep. Eating certain foods before bed (fats, carbs, sugar) will affect the quality of sleep along with the amount of food eaten before bed as well.

 Studies done on short sleepers were also associated with higher risks of metabolic disruptions, including: impaired glucose intolerance, impaired insulin resistance, increase ghrelin (hunger hormone), decrease leptin (suppress appetite/speed up metabolism hormone) and last, increased BMI (Body Mass Index).  The reduced percentage of sleep time spent in "REM" sleep was associated with greater fat and carb intake. Although, people who slept 7-8 hours differ in their diets, compared to those who slept less or more because of greater sleep time spent in REM.

Here are a few supplements that are very helpful  and non habit forming...This first supplement is what I use for a great night sleep and waking  up feeling rested.

Natural Calm - Sleep, helps leg cramps, migraines, lowers blood pressure, anxiety, constipation and also helps reduce kidney stone formation.  Natural Calm is magnesium citrate.(high absorption)  Most people are very deficient in this supplement. Magnesium relaxes the muscles and will give you that great night sleep, along with all the other benefits listed.
Melatonin - tells the body and brain it is dark out, higher levels associated with REM
Valerian Root - promote better sleep quality/longer sleep periods, helps relax
Passion Flower - helps insomnia, anxiety, lowers blood pressure
Chamomile - helps sleep, stress, anxiety, soothes stomach ache
L-Theanine - helps calm racing mind, great for anxiety, calming, ADHD

Now, what does a good night sleep mean to you?😎

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