Sunday, July 29, 2018

There's No One-Size-Fits-All Diet

We so often hear about the latest and greatest diet...For one, people have a difficult time trying to follow the so called "new diet".  Taking into consideration, we are bio-individuals, we are all different...So diets have to be personally tailored..Different foods affect people differently. There is no one size fits all diet. Diets that focus on calorie restriction don't guarantee better health/results. So when people decide to get on the latest and greatest diet, perhaps, it is not for their body type.  Someone can have great results, while others are struggling. This does not  mean you failed,  you have no will power?  It means there is a different biological response to the diet.

One persons food can  be another person's poison. This is absolutely a true statement..Bio-Individual diets lower the chance of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, among other widespread modern diseases. Individual dietary needs are linked to Gut Health.  People react differentlt to the same foods for the reason of microbiomes-unique collection of good and bad bacteria. (importance of probiotics)

There are many factors that affect the risk of obesity, metabolic disorder, blood sugar stability
and microbiome diversity. Improving gut health through basic food, lifestyle changes and a good probiotic is critical to overall health and how your body will metabolize foods for weigh loss.

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